Push!! Push!! Ewwwwwwwwwww yep got through my 40th year!!
As life begins at 40 then I am back at the beginning so Happy 1st to me!! And naturally I will not be making the same mistakes like in my past life, all those bad clothing, hair and make-up choices are now firmly a thing of the past and I just need to hide all the evidence.
No this time round I am sure to do it just right, perfect hair, perfect body and of course perfect life and then my body had other plans and give me something new to play with..............diabetes.
Due to an unseemly swelling on my cheek (no the facial cheek!!) Dr Lamblot (I kid you not) sent me for a blood test.
People ask each other important questions like where were you when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon or when Madoona wore a pointy cone bra like top (extremely important you know) and well when they will ask me 'where were you when you got your news?" my answer would be "drinking a cup of tea and having a biscuit" - yes God does have a sense of humour.
When I finished speaking to him - the Doctor not God - well I did the only thing I could possibly do..................I finished my biscuit!!!
The doctor at the hospital could not believe that I did not realise I had diabetes apparently my sugar level was so high!!
Weren't you very thirsty?
I am Irish we always drink 250 cups of tea a day!
Did you pee a lot?
See answer to the first question!
Weren't you tired?
Well it is the month of June one of the busiest months of the year with kids, school and work so of course I am tired
Did you not dramatically loose a lot of weight recently?
Crap no I didn't...........hey wait a second how big do you think I was before??????
After several minutes of questioning he just stopped!!
It was a proud moment I stumped a specialist!!! I think he even left my hospital room crying with frustration!
So after a few days & nights of been pricked and prodded (no it was not that much fun!) I got sent home with me pills to start afresh, yes even had my Scarlett O'Hara moment in the reception area, standing tall with a raised fist shouting "Tomorrow is another day!!!" and then the old guy with the walker told me to move out his way (obviousily he had no sense of humour although you think he did when you saw his pyjamas)
So back to my ordainary life methinks, ah no not exactly.
My children were thrilled to announce to the world that their mother had diabetes, all was missing was them ringing a bell everytime I left the house and shouting "unclean unclean" like I was a leper or better still "hide your lollipops she is coming!!!" At last they had something to tell their friends about me, I mean this whole "she is Irish etc" was wearing thin now they had something cool and well interesting, at last I have done someting right for them, I got a chronic disease, what a mother I am!!!
For certain people this gave them a new hobbie,their highlight of the day was to watch what food I put into my mouth, I kid you not. Maybe they miss those far off days when their own children began feeding themselves and they looked on with awe that suddenly I was able to fill that need and even better still they could question me on it "you are allowed to EAT THAT!!" and then there were the really subtle ones "move that cake, biscuits,cookies away from Nuala now" actually what they needed was a foghorn and then they could really go to town with it "Nuala put down the chocolate cookie and step away"
And I got so sick of explaining that I can eat almost everything and like everyone should be doing I should just follow a stable healthy diet that by the end of the day when husband asked his question of the day "are you allowed to eat that?" then my answer of the day varied from "yes" to "fuck off" and sometimes the two together "yes fuck off!"
Other reactions varied from "oh my god your life is ruined" to "I knew there was something wrong with you!" ah why thank you for the support............................not!
Then one friend said to me "ah you were just too sweet" which did make me laugh "me? sweet?" he does have a sense of humour!!!
So after all the explainations of tablets, checking sugar levels, eat only a little of this, a lot of that etc etc that the one thing that really upset me was that the Doctor told me that I can't walk barefoot anymore as your feet and hands loose their sensitivity therefore you could easily cut yourself and not feel it etc and I love walking in my bare feet!!
The pills etc didn't bother me but not walking barefoot well that just takes the biscuit........no pun intended!
Monday, 13 December 2010
Saturday, 4 December 2010
To whom it may concern....................................
Ah yes Christmas time is coming, time to sit down, go through the address book and get those cards done. As time goes this task has been getting quicker why?
Orginally when I left Ireland for France it was for one year, yes the classic tale of an au-pair going to France for a year and then 20 years later still been here, well for me it was au-pair gig which led to a job in a creche which then led to a job in a school and meanwhile meeting a Frenchman and then it all went downhill from there................................har har har
When the decision was made to go to France all my friends swore on a stack of bibles that they would write to me on a regular basis (stack of bibles swear outweighs a pinkie swear!!!)
And at first there was a regular correspondence going on but then my one year turned into two, three, four years etc it got less and frankly (well I am soooooooo honest) it was from their side.
Life does take over we all get busy it is normal but what I found was when I went home for Christmas or during the summer and phoned them I would get the usual:
"oh I haven't heard from you in ages.................."(oh my five page letter sent last month doesn't count then)
"I sent you a letter .................."(no is it was a postcard 7 months ago which just said 'hi from Killarney!")
When you do meet up they tell you about their new jobs, new boyfriends, engagement parties (the one they had the night before but forgot to invite you too eventhough you had sent a letter with the dates of your arrival) and of course babies (yeah had one last week, oh I didn't tell you cos I didn't have time - yeah 9 months of pregnancy just flies past!!!)
Basically as I had left Ireland therefore it was entirely up to me to keep this friendship going cos well I had the cheek to abandon ship and make a life elsewhere.
So I had to do the letter writing and for heavens sake don't expect an answer because that is just crazy, when you do go home to Ireland then you are expected to go to see them and so what if you just had something important happen in your life like an engagement or even had a baby who had just had chicken pox, no don't be lazy get in your car and do the three hour drive to see them, have one bloody cup of tea (be friggin thankful to get that) and then leave cos I am going out to a club with my friends!!!!!(oh I forgot to get you a gift for said engagement or new baby hey I'll send it on by post - still waiting!!)
And then sure you try and give them the benefit of the doubt and actually start phoning them cos well they are obviousily so tired from going out clubbin etc with their new friends and have no time to write a letter the poor things.
But no that is nearly as bad, either they are about as talkative as a stone or else they spend time having a conversation with other people in the room with them (thanks so much for letting me listen in to a conversation with your flatmates that you see on a regular basis and for letting me pay for this pleasure !!)
Yes I was a dim wit but it is only when these things happen that you get the light bulb moment and well you say to yourself "screw that!!!" and suddenly your address book becomes lighter, only the quality is left and not the quantity - oh how poetic!
Do I miss any of them? Well yes of course at times I do there was a reason that we were friends in the first place and I wonder whatever happened to them but in the end I think that I probably valued them more than they did me (can you hear the violins in the background?) and of course I can shake my fist and say "their loss" but such is life and well you just know that when they make the film of my life I will pick the most horrendous looking women to play their roles - yep karma is a bitch!!
So if you don't receive a Christmas card from me you should know that it is in the post.........................honest!!!
Orginally when I left Ireland for France it was for one year, yes the classic tale of an au-pair going to France for a year and then 20 years later still been here, well for me it was au-pair gig which led to a job in a creche which then led to a job in a school and meanwhile meeting a Frenchman and then it all went downhill from there................................har har har
When the decision was made to go to France all my friends swore on a stack of bibles that they would write to me on a regular basis (stack of bibles swear outweighs a pinkie swear!!!)
And at first there was a regular correspondence going on but then my one year turned into two, three, four years etc it got less and frankly (well I am soooooooo honest) it was from their side.
Life does take over we all get busy it is normal but what I found was when I went home for Christmas or during the summer and phoned them I would get the usual:
"oh I haven't heard from you in ages.................."(oh my five page letter sent last month doesn't count then)
"I sent you a letter .................."(no is it was a postcard 7 months ago which just said 'hi from Killarney!")
When you do meet up they tell you about their new jobs, new boyfriends, engagement parties (the one they had the night before but forgot to invite you too eventhough you had sent a letter with the dates of your arrival) and of course babies (yeah had one last week, oh I didn't tell you cos I didn't have time - yeah 9 months of pregnancy just flies past!!!)
Basically as I had left Ireland therefore it was entirely up to me to keep this friendship going cos well I had the cheek to abandon ship and make a life elsewhere.
So I had to do the letter writing and for heavens sake don't expect an answer because that is just crazy, when you do go home to Ireland then you are expected to go to see them and so what if you just had something important happen in your life like an engagement or even had a baby who had just had chicken pox, no don't be lazy get in your car and do the three hour drive to see them, have one bloody cup of tea (be friggin thankful to get that) and then leave cos I am going out to a club with my friends!!!!!(oh I forgot to get you a gift for said engagement or new baby hey I'll send it on by post - still waiting!!)
And then sure you try and give them the benefit of the doubt and actually start phoning them cos well they are obviousily so tired from going out clubbin etc with their new friends and have no time to write a letter the poor things.
But no that is nearly as bad, either they are about as talkative as a stone or else they spend time having a conversation with other people in the room with them (thanks so much for letting me listen in to a conversation with your flatmates that you see on a regular basis and for letting me pay for this pleasure !!)
Yes I was a dim wit but it is only when these things happen that you get the light bulb moment and well you say to yourself "screw that!!!" and suddenly your address book becomes lighter, only the quality is left and not the quantity - oh how poetic!
Do I miss any of them? Well yes of course at times I do there was a reason that we were friends in the first place and I wonder whatever happened to them but in the end I think that I probably valued them more than they did me (can you hear the violins in the background?) and of course I can shake my fist and say "their loss" but such is life and well you just know that when they make the film of my life I will pick the most horrendous looking women to play their roles - yep karma is a bitch!!
So if you don't receive a Christmas card from me you should know that it is in the post.........................honest!!!
Saturday, 13 November 2010
A new project.........................
It is important to start new projects every day and thanks to hubbie I have one!
Well due to the different strikes in France recently etc hubbie worked from home and suddenly he became the clingy female aka seventh child (after the kids & pets of course) and I the male!!
Here are a few examples:
Going upstairs - "where are you going?" (well the stairs only goes to one place!)
Leaving the house - "what time will you be back?" (I'll return when I have bought enough materials for my vodoo doll of you!!)
Doing work on my computer - "what are you doing?" (having a bath!)
Answering the phone - mouthing to me with wild gestures "who is it? (the funeral home just booking your cremation!!!)
Once out of the house, get a phone call - "where are you?" (having coffee with Ben Barnes - if you don't know who he is just google him!)
On one of my escapades I didn't answer the phone one time (okay maybe a couple of times) and he left messages like "why do you even have a mobile phone when you don't even answer it" - ah well technology is just so difficult for me..................and since I told him that I had to do loads of photocopying for work when in fact I was at a coffee morning and well none of my girlfriends were willing to make the huming noise of a photocoper machine (female solidarity my arse!!) so did not answer the phone!!!
Look what he has done to me, he has turned me into an unfeeling male teenager, telling white lies, sneaking out, making up jobs to get out of the house, disgraceful. Okay so we are supposed to be adults (stop giggling back there!) and I can't divorce him on the grounds of him interupting my coffee mornings with the girls but him turning to this clingey teenager girl is seriousily worrying, I mean what the heck will I do with him when he retires!!!
Granted it won't be happening for a long time so have plenty of time in building my bunker - massage table, bar, cool music system and of course flat screen tv!! every bunker needs one! Of course the only way I can explain all that digging for my bunker is that I am doing a vegetable patch - a very deep vegetable patch!
I know what the problem was though during those few days, he was bored out of his brain working from home and well unfortunately he had to bother someone and since neither the dog or cats speak it was my turn - the joy!! So now I will start Project 'Give him something to do other than interupt my coffee mornings' - okay the title is long otherwise I could call it Project 'Buzz off' but that may seem a little bit too mean.
So it will be 'Darling why don't you do a vegetable patch.......................a very deep vegetable patch' (hey two birds one stone!!!)
Once bunker built invitations will be sent out to those who are also doing their own Project 'Buzz off' - ye know who ye are!!!
Well due to the different strikes in France recently etc hubbie worked from home and suddenly he became the clingy female aka seventh child (after the kids & pets of course) and I the male!!
Here are a few examples:
Going upstairs - "where are you going?" (well the stairs only goes to one place!)
Leaving the house - "what time will you be back?" (I'll return when I have bought enough materials for my vodoo doll of you!!)
Doing work on my computer - "what are you doing?" (having a bath!)
Answering the phone - mouthing to me with wild gestures "who is it? (the funeral home just booking your cremation!!!)
Once out of the house, get a phone call - "where are you?" (having coffee with Ben Barnes - if you don't know who he is just google him!)
On one of my escapades I didn't answer the phone one time (okay maybe a couple of times) and he left messages like "why do you even have a mobile phone when you don't even answer it" - ah well technology is just so difficult for me..................and since I told him that I had to do loads of photocopying for work when in fact I was at a coffee morning and well none of my girlfriends were willing to make the huming noise of a photocoper machine (female solidarity my arse!!) so did not answer the phone!!!
Look what he has done to me, he has turned me into an unfeeling male teenager, telling white lies, sneaking out, making up jobs to get out of the house, disgraceful. Okay so we are supposed to be adults (stop giggling back there!) and I can't divorce him on the grounds of him interupting my coffee mornings with the girls but him turning to this clingey teenager girl is seriousily worrying, I mean what the heck will I do with him when he retires!!!
Granted it won't be happening for a long time so have plenty of time in building my bunker - massage table, bar, cool music system and of course flat screen tv!! every bunker needs one! Of course the only way I can explain all that digging for my bunker is that I am doing a vegetable patch - a very deep vegetable patch!
I know what the problem was though during those few days, he was bored out of his brain working from home and well unfortunately he had to bother someone and since neither the dog or cats speak it was my turn - the joy!! So now I will start Project 'Give him something to do other than interupt my coffee mornings' - okay the title is long otherwise I could call it Project 'Buzz off' but that may seem a little bit too mean.
So it will be 'Darling why don't you do a vegetable patch.......................a very deep vegetable patch' (hey two birds one stone!!!)
Once bunker built invitations will be sent out to those who are also doing their own Project 'Buzz off' - ye know who ye are!!!
Sunday, 7 November 2010
what is a dream................
Reading a magazine the other day I fell upon an article about a woman who said
'The Three Years were worth the wait to get my dream house". This woman bought her dream home and then had work done on it for three years before getting it exactly how she wanted, well that may me think about my place (cos otherwise I wouldn't!)
The first visit to this house took exactly 15 minutes, my husband picked me up from work at lunchtime to show me what he had visited that morning. In the movie of my life I would come skipping out of this house with shiney hair and a fab body (well it is a movie) smiling like I just ate sunshine or drunk several rum and cokes - turn to my husband and say "this is it darling (you can tell it is a movie) this is our dream home!" Well in fact after this wonderous 15 minute visit - large garage on the ground floor and on the first floor - dark bathroom (black and grey tiles), small kitchen (low counter suitable for munchkins), bedrooms - wallpaper that would have looked good in a mental home (maybe the owners were previous inmates) and a living/dining room which had instead of wallpaper had material on the wall which the owner told me that I could hoover to keep clean - hoover my walls!!!!! yep they must have been inmates!!!
Outside the house it was my husband with shiney eyes that announced that he made an offer on this house (oh my god he has joined the inmates!!!)
And as God has a great sense of humour we got the house.
Been in this house for the past 12 years has been like been in a bumpy relationship, we have gone through:
flooded house (several times)
flooded garden
new roof been done during heatwave (good timing)
house rewiring
heating system breaking down (my favourite one is the day after Christmas!)
plastering walls
painting walls
new flooring
new bathroom
new kitchen
new toilets (really needed)
new windows
new doors
paving the driveway
new wall
new gate
and then the garden..............well it has gone through several looks, Beirut, swamp-like etc now it has grass!!
And with all that has come this too:
a french husband
3 tadpoles aka the "angels" (stop giggling)
talking and shouting!!
family dinners (the nice and the noisy ones)
kids birthday parties (especially the one given 10 days after the birth of n°3 - loopy)
coffee mornings with the girlfriends
dinner parties
family get-togethers
Christmas celebrations
St Patricks Day parties
My birthdays!!
His birthdays
the pyjama parties (my ones!)
friends staying
family staying (in laws included - honest!)
and all the times my Mum came over,
and the thousands of other memories that are connected to this house.
So surely now it is my dream house?
Well no because I have never looked for a dream house but a dream home and so far this one fits the bill so long may it continue.
'The Three Years were worth the wait to get my dream house". This woman bought her dream home and then had work done on it for three years before getting it exactly how she wanted, well that may me think about my place (cos otherwise I wouldn't!)
The first visit to this house took exactly 15 minutes, my husband picked me up from work at lunchtime to show me what he had visited that morning. In the movie of my life I would come skipping out of this house with shiney hair and a fab body (well it is a movie) smiling like I just ate sunshine or drunk several rum and cokes - turn to my husband and say "this is it darling (you can tell it is a movie) this is our dream home!" Well in fact after this wonderous 15 minute visit - large garage on the ground floor and on the first floor - dark bathroom (black and grey tiles), small kitchen (low counter suitable for munchkins), bedrooms - wallpaper that would have looked good in a mental home (maybe the owners were previous inmates) and a living/dining room which had instead of wallpaper had material on the wall which the owner told me that I could hoover to keep clean - hoover my walls!!!!! yep they must have been inmates!!!
Outside the house it was my husband with shiney eyes that announced that he made an offer on this house (oh my god he has joined the inmates!!!)
And as God has a great sense of humour we got the house.
Been in this house for the past 12 years has been like been in a bumpy relationship, we have gone through:
flooded house (several times)
flooded garden
new roof been done during heatwave (good timing)
house rewiring
heating system breaking down (my favourite one is the day after Christmas!)
plastering walls
painting walls
new flooring
new bathroom
new kitchen
new toilets (really needed)
new windows
new doors
paving the driveway
new wall
new gate
and then the garden..............well it has gone through several looks, Beirut, swamp-like etc now it has grass!!
And with all that has come this too:
a french husband
3 tadpoles aka the "angels" (stop giggling)
talking and shouting!!
family dinners (the nice and the noisy ones)
kids birthday parties (especially the one given 10 days after the birth of n°3 - loopy)
coffee mornings with the girlfriends
dinner parties
family get-togethers
Christmas celebrations
St Patricks Day parties
My birthdays!!
His birthdays
the pyjama parties (my ones!)
friends staying
family staying (in laws included - honest!)
and all the times my Mum came over,
and the thousands of other memories that are connected to this house.
So surely now it is my dream house?
Well no because I have never looked for a dream house but a dream home and so far this one fits the bill so long may it continue.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
To whine or not to whine..............
Been the youngest of 6 kids I was really good at whining!!!
My Mother was tormented by my constant whining, 'he did this to me..........' (always blamed the same brother easier that way didn't forget names!) "she said that to me" (only one sister so it was ALWAYS her fault) etc etc etc
My Mother did have the patience of a saint and then she would look lovingly at me and say
"would you ever stop whining" or "you'd whine to the Pope" (opps major reprimand if the Pope got dragged in!!)
That usually quietened me for at least five minutes and then I would start again.
After a certain time of living in France I actually thought that my French was fairly passable (how vain of moi!) but still everytime I opened my mouth I always got asked the question "where are you from?" not because of bad teeth but because of my accent when speaking French - it really annoyed me.
I remember during a Doctor's visit and I was sick and miserable and whined "I am so sick of been an outsider in this country......................" and then mid-whine I looked at him, he was from Vietnam and moved to France 20 years previousily. He just smiled at me and say "you just have to keep going and things will get better". He had the good grace in not belittling my little whine but he did tell me to move on and get over it.
There isn't anything wrong with having a good whine,it is healthy to get it off your chest once and for all but then you have to get on with it, don't let this litany of whines become your life. Or even better still whatever is making you whine, sort it out.
Now after 20 years people still react to my accent and thats fine because it does not bother me anymore and at times I have used it to my advantage especially when the phone rings and it is those annoying call centres "no Madame not here I am the au pair" or better still "no Monsieur not here I am the cleaner!!!"
And for the other thousand things that make me whine I have learned to either ignore them or sort them out eventually.......................!!
One good thing about whining to others is that you can always find someone worse off than yourself and well if nothing else at least that will cheer you up!!
Go out and have a good whine with a good glass of wine!!!!!
My Mother was tormented by my constant whining, 'he did this to me..........' (always blamed the same brother easier that way didn't forget names!) "she said that to me" (only one sister so it was ALWAYS her fault) etc etc etc
My Mother did have the patience of a saint and then she would look lovingly at me and say
"would you ever stop whining" or "you'd whine to the Pope" (opps major reprimand if the Pope got dragged in!!)
That usually quietened me for at least five minutes and then I would start again.
After a certain time of living in France I actually thought that my French was fairly passable (how vain of moi!) but still everytime I opened my mouth I always got asked the question "where are you from?" not because of bad teeth but because of my accent when speaking French - it really annoyed me.
I remember during a Doctor's visit and I was sick and miserable and whined "I am so sick of been an outsider in this country......................" and then mid-whine I looked at him, he was from Vietnam and moved to France 20 years previousily. He just smiled at me and say "you just have to keep going and things will get better". He had the good grace in not belittling my little whine but he did tell me to move on and get over it.
There isn't anything wrong with having a good whine,it is healthy to get it off your chest once and for all but then you have to get on with it, don't let this litany of whines become your life. Or even better still whatever is making you whine, sort it out.
Now after 20 years people still react to my accent and thats fine because it does not bother me anymore and at times I have used it to my advantage especially when the phone rings and it is those annoying call centres "no Madame not here I am the au pair" or better still "no Monsieur not here I am the cleaner!!!"
And for the other thousand things that make me whine I have learned to either ignore them or sort them out eventually.......................!!
One good thing about whining to others is that you can always find someone worse off than yourself and well if nothing else at least that will cheer you up!!
Go out and have a good whine with a good glass of wine!!!!!
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
What happens next.........................
As a teenager I went through a phase of wanting to know 'what happens next........." and where can you find such answers? At your local fortune teller of course!!! I went with my well earned babysitting money to a woman who lived in a dodgey area of Cork city in a caravan!!! Well it wasn't that dodgey but it was in the city and well the caravan was in a yard beside a house so methinks she lived in the house and used the caravan as her 'office'!
Never mind that I was going to get my fortune told, I will find out 'what happens next...' maybe I will find out that I don't need to study so hard because I would win the lottery or marry a rich husband - yep that shallow and that lazy for studying!!, or maybe I would do something great in my life - cure for acne? look at previous remark about my studying! Anyway never mind I was going to find out what a wonderful life I would be having.
I wrote down what she said to me and honestly nothing came about, when I say nothing I mean NOTHING!!! Am I disappointed? Not really because once I stopped waiting for these things to materialise and actually forgot about it and lived my life other things happened.
Did I win the lottery? No
Did I marry a rich husband? No
Did I find a cure for acne? No but I never got it either
Did I study really hard? At times
Actually I had already foretold my fortune but did not realise it.
I remember going for a walk with my Mother and my big brother and telling them my big plans for the future - now been the old age of 5 years old and a deep thinker I even gave them a list and this is what I was going to be.......
a nurse for 3 years
a teacher for 2 years
a mother for 4 years
and the most important job of all
a Charlie's Angel for 3 years (for me that was the best job ever!!!)
I got most of it right, became a teacher and mother and well with those two jobs there is a nursing side too and now if I can get the Charlie's Angel job then well I am a happy camper and my 5 year old self who is deep inside of me can go "told ye so".
Do I want to know the future now? Not really unless George Clooney is going to call in for coffee and declare his undying love for me then certain parts of the body would need an overall beforehand but right now do not need to go to the dodgey area looking for a woman in a caravan..................not yet anyway!!!
Never mind that I was going to get my fortune told, I will find out 'what happens next...' maybe I will find out that I don't need to study so hard because I would win the lottery or marry a rich husband - yep that shallow and that lazy for studying!!, or maybe I would do something great in my life - cure for acne? look at previous remark about my studying! Anyway never mind I was going to find out what a wonderful life I would be having.
I wrote down what she said to me and honestly nothing came about, when I say nothing I mean NOTHING!!! Am I disappointed? Not really because once I stopped waiting for these things to materialise and actually forgot about it and lived my life other things happened.
Did I win the lottery? No
Did I marry a rich husband? No
Did I find a cure for acne? No but I never got it either
Did I study really hard? At times
Actually I had already foretold my fortune but did not realise it.
I remember going for a walk with my Mother and my big brother and telling them my big plans for the future - now been the old age of 5 years old and a deep thinker I even gave them a list and this is what I was going to be.......
a nurse for 3 years
a teacher for 2 years
a mother for 4 years
and the most important job of all
a Charlie's Angel for 3 years (for me that was the best job ever!!!)
I got most of it right, became a teacher and mother and well with those two jobs there is a nursing side too and now if I can get the Charlie's Angel job then well I am a happy camper and my 5 year old self who is deep inside of me can go "told ye so".
Do I want to know the future now? Not really unless George Clooney is going to call in for coffee and declare his undying love for me then certain parts of the body would need an overall beforehand but right now do not need to go to the dodgey area looking for a woman in a caravan..................not yet anyway!!!
Saturday, 16 October 2010
In the beginning..............
When I was nine I wrote a very moving and profound story called "Mr Cold and his nine sons", the title says it all, there were other stories of course but unfortunately cannot remember the wonderful titles.
When I was thirteen I began a diary, in school we had just read the book "The Diary of Anne Frank" and thought how wonderful to start one too so I did, picked a really nice book which said 'Diary' on the front which was of great help to me in case I forgot what it was for and tired to use it as a door stop, you know how silly we are at that age, anyway I knew that I was going to write down many wise and profound thoughts...................
But that was not what happened, reading my diary now makes me laugh, I wrote down what presents I got for my birthday & christmas ( shallow - me?), I described my room when the furniture got moved around (my mother did that often) and I even drew a mini map of the room to show where everything was!! I wrote about my friends I liked (that week, day or hour!!) and sometimes I had some really profound thought like 'I want to be happy!" yep making the film of my life as a thirteen year old would be a breeze!!!
So surely now at 30 & tax years of age it is evident that my blog will be filled with deep meaningful and profound thoughts............................don't bet on it, can't promise that I won't write a list of presents I got for my birthday or christmas but can promise that there will be no description of rooms when furniture gets moved (can't draw a mini map of that on a blog now can ya?) and as for my friends well once I am in the witness protection programme well all bets are off!
And why am I doing this?
Ms Jupin and Ms Jackson told me to write so here it goes..................
When I was thirteen I began a diary, in school we had just read the book "The Diary of Anne Frank" and thought how wonderful to start one too so I did, picked a really nice book which said 'Diary' on the front which was of great help to me in case I forgot what it was for and tired to use it as a door stop, you know how silly we are at that age, anyway I knew that I was going to write down many wise and profound thoughts...................
But that was not what happened, reading my diary now makes me laugh, I wrote down what presents I got for my birthday & christmas ( shallow - me?), I described my room when the furniture got moved around (my mother did that often) and I even drew a mini map of the room to show where everything was!! I wrote about my friends I liked (that week, day or hour!!) and sometimes I had some really profound thought like 'I want to be happy!" yep making the film of my life as a thirteen year old would be a breeze!!!
So surely now at 30 & tax years of age it is evident that my blog will be filled with deep meaningful and profound thoughts............................don't bet on it, can't promise that I won't write a list of presents I got for my birthday or christmas but can promise that there will be no description of rooms when furniture gets moved (can't draw a mini map of that on a blog now can ya?) and as for my friends well once I am in the witness protection programme well all bets are off!
And why am I doing this?
Ms Jupin and Ms Jackson told me to write so here it goes..................
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