Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Truth about me.................

Was sent this by Ms Brightside cos she is nosy!!!But I could have told you that ages ago.

So going have to lie down on the couch to answer these questions, why? well I am a bit lazy!!!

Which living person do I must admire and why?
To be honest I admire many people in my life, certain friends and family members who have had crap thrown at them (not literally) and still get on with it and smile.

When were you happiest?
First pregnancy as I thought it would never ever happen and when it did was over the moon!!

What was your most embarrassing moment?
The list is long starting from the age of six slipping off a fence and accidently showing my underwear to a whole bunch of other kids, the worse thing was the boy I liked was present!!! And then a whole bunch of stuff in my 20's but as I don't have a large rum & coke in front of me you'll not find out!!

Aside from property, what's the most expensive thing you've bought?
A red leather couch (as far as I am concerned the car does not count, goes under the list of essentials!)

What is your most treasured possession?
Got to cheat on this one just a little - certain photographs that capture a certain memory or time

Where would you like to live?
Well I am pretty content with where I am so it will do.

What's your favourite smell?
White musk

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Tony Sheldon - yep a bloke - saw him play Bernadette in Priscilla Queen of the Desert in London and he was brillant, he would make me look good, failing that Catherine Zeta Jones - she needs the money (ha ha ha)

What is your favourite book?
Eva Luna & Stories of Eva Luna by Isabel Allende

What would be your most unappealing habit?
Can be terrible for putting things off until the very last nanosecond!!

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
Anne Boleyn with the head.

What would be your earliest memory?
I was three years old and I went to England with my mother on the ferry, remember been in the cabin on the ferry and been in my Aunt Ellen's flat on her balcony.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Life is too short to feeling guilty about pleasure so just enjoy and forget the guilt!!

What do you owe your parents?
My sense of humour

To whom would you most like to say sorry and why?
Oh hard one this question, probably would have to say sorry to my mother for not bringing the kids over to see her during her last few months but then again I didn't realise they were her last few months but still am very sorry I didn't.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My little family

What does love feel like?
It feels very safe and exciting at the same time

What was the best kiss of your life?
Again where is that rum & coke? The first one with my loved one closely tied in with ???

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
At the moment it is "bloody"

What is the worst job you've done?
All my jobs had funny moments so I more or less enjoyed them but if I have to pick one it would have to have been picking potatoes - bloody hard work!!

If you could edit your past what would you change?
Generally nothing but a few fashion choices!!
What is the closest you've come to death?
Unfortunately when loved ones have died

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I can't yet say my children as that is still "work in progress" but still happy to have achieved their existence, I achieved to make a life for myself in a different country which still stuns me and my friendships.

When did you last cry and why?
Reading a book, the main charactor was talking about the grief she felt after her sister's death, reminded me of so many things.

How do you like to relax?
Having a good laugh and chat with my girlfriends sharing tea, wine or cocktails (not that fussy!)

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
My sensible side would say been in good health while my crazy side would say having Ben Barnes move in next door.

What is the most imprtant lesson life has taught you?
Be happy because nobody will do it for you and laugh whenever you can!!

Gosh time to get off the couch methinks and get a large rum & coke!!


  1. Very good & very quick, everyone else usually takes a week or two. Or maybe that's just me.

  2. Oh now you tell me I could have taken my time!!! I think the beauty of these things is to do them as quick as you can because the first answer is usually the most honest one.
