Monday 7 March 2011

You never know...........

Happens to all of us with an e-mail address, one day you will receive an inspirational and moving message. Something about how to enjoy life, live in the moment,  make most of your loved ones etc etc

Some of them are well written and just to make it seem really authentic then names like Dalai Lama, Ghandi or even some old withered chinese woman is thrown in to make us feel "gosh if  the Dalai thought that well it must be TRUE" but they are like fishing lines thrown into the sea of life (how poetic is that??) and the hook is we have to forward it to our nearest and dearest as soon as possible.You know the ones that say "forward this to 6 friends in the next 35.6 seconds and something FANTASTIC will happen to you"  or " send this to 5-8 friends = one wish comes true,  9-15 friends = three wishes come true and for 5000 friends = favourite pet comes back from the dead!"
Okay the last bit is untrue so far!
These e-mails are just too tempting for me cos they break my rule - you know the rule we all have about not bombarding our friends and family with really bad jokes, videos etc etc
(By the way please accept my heartfelt apologies for ALL then ones I have sent in the past before my rule kicked into action or was it one of my friends kicked me into action!!)

For me it is hard to resist because well to be honest I do all those little crazy things like when I see one magpie well I wave at it (you know the rhyme about magpies one for sorrow, two for joy etc ) well to be on the safe side when I see one I just have to wave at it because that is suppose to get rid of the bad luck - okay writing that down does make it sound way more odd than when I am waving like a demented egit at solo magpies but hey they love it when I do wave at them.........honest!! Enough on quirky habits!

So getting back to these e-mails, I am so tempted to forward them because well you never know all my wishes may come true. Like yeah right!!!

Did I get thinner?   NOPE  (may have helped if I went on a diet!!)
Did I win the lotto?  NOPE (may have helped if I played more often)
Did I stop eating chocolate?   NOPE (clue - look at the answer for the first question)
Did George Clooney come to see me?   NOPE  (or else I may have been food shopping that day)
All in the negative you see including cool car, fabulous holiday and toy boy - oh wait the last one did arrive yeah he was born last week!!

Nothing so far but that is why they are so tempting to me, maybe there is an inspirational e-mail just on the horizon that once forwarded to all my friends and family - accompanied by sincere apologies of course - then suddenly all my wishes will come true you never know...........................


  1. I shall accept your apology for the email received last night that had me in tears (the one about the Fence) - blub

  2. Ah well that one was different because I wanted to see how many people actually cried!!!
    No really just thought it was a lovely story, nice to hear something wonderful occasionally!

  3. En général je ne fais pas suivre ces mails...peut-etre est-ce la cause de mauvaises choses qui m'arrivent...? Who knows...
