Saturday 5 February 2011

Just one weekend

January is becoming an important month in my calender, no not for the sales or start of a new year - new beginnings etc no that is when I get away with my girlfreinds for a weekend in London. 

The joy of traveling is reinstated in me for one weekend, why? well for one I only pack for myself, I only have to worry about when I want to eat, sleep, drink or do any other bodily function without taking a vote or having an audience.We stay in a small hotel where breakfast is served to me (and its not even my birthday or mother's day for that to happen), my room is tidied for me, clean towels magically appear in the bathroom just for me..............................its heaven.
We have an extremely hectic programme for that weekend,  talking, eating, laughing, go to a show, laughing, drinking, talking, laughing, some shopping, laughing, sight seeing, talking and of course laughing.
You see it is really really busy and everytime we go it has been a different experience so thats good cos you know how I hate to repeat myself!!

Now don't think that when I am at home I am not going round with a face like a slapped bottom - although some mornings I do have to look twice in the mirror to make sure! Or that I cry non-stop while still dressed in my old pjamas (well that is only when I watch the film The Colour Purple). It is just nice to have a weekend off and be just me for 48 hours.

However I have figured out that in many ways I am been a good mother by leaving them for a weekend - why? well I leave the children with their father so he too can enjoy the joys of parenting 24/7 
"Pappppppppa where is?????"
"Pappppppppa he won't share with me!!"
"Pappppppppa can't find the toilet roll!!"

And I am a good wife - now he can enjoy bringing them to all their different activities, playdates and birthday parties for two short days
"what time is your football training?" (the same time like every week!)
"where does your friend live?" (the same house for the last five years and you have been there before!)
 - although I think for him they are very very long days!!!!
So really I am helping everyone with my weekend away
Ah the sacrifices one makes when one is a good mother!! (yes they should build a statue in my honour).
And of course when I do get back I am fully appreciated for at least 10 minutes.
Everytime I go my children ask me when am I going to bring them to London and everythime I explain that I am actually on a mission - yep I am actually only going to London to check it out for them .
Now granted after five years they are cottoning on to this 'ruse' espectially the older one - the husband. So one day I will actually have to bring them to London but you see I  don't know when cos you know I may have to go back a few more times as I think I may have 'accidently' forgotten to visit a few places, ah you see the sacrifices I have to make!!!

So the next question is can I wait until next January?

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