On the radio this week mothers were asked their best Mother's Day memory and it made me think of my best Mother's Day meomories.
The first time I actually celebrated Mother's Day was lovely, granted my son was just two months old and oblivious to it all so hubbie had to do the honours of getting flowers etc but I remember been delighted in finally been able to participate in this day as an actual mother!
My daughter was born on Mother's Day in 2000 so that was a wonderful gift and seeing my son come to the hospital with a bunch of flowers that were bigger than him made me laugh and cry at the same time.
Then there are all those memories of gifts made in school, pasta bracelets, boxes covered in pasta, picture frames with pasta (jeez teachers do I look that hungry!!) and all the little cards and poems given with care and all the excitement they have in trying to hide things they had made for me during those last few days before Mother's Day and what a good actress I became showing my suprise at all these pasta-based gifts (frankly I should have won at least several oscars for these performances!!)
As my children are getting older one part of this day that I enjoy more is
"hey its Mother's Day it is my day off so go see your Father!"
You Mums know what I am talking about..................
"Mama we're hungry/thirsty/bored!!" "go see your Father!"
"Mama we can't find a book/a game/ a limb!" "go see your Father!"
"Mama he/she won't play with me!!" "go see your Father!"
I figure that since the other 364 days are Father's Days I should at least get this one all to me as best as I can.
Today also reminds me of my own mother who is no longer here, I could never remember the Irish Mother's day date so would always send her gift on French Mother's Day, she told me she enjoyed having two Mother's Day a year (might be the way to go - celebrate every country's Mother's Day!)
Anyway I have a very busy day planned for me today and wrote a list -
smile at gifts
say thank you for gifts
do nothing else
As you can see extremely exhausting day planned so to all you mothers make some memories and enjoy your day - might as well it is the only official day off we have!!